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When you are in business, blogging is your friend! Writing regular blog posts is a very important part of content marketing and should be an integral part of any digital marketing strategy but many people wince at the thought of it. This article will outline what it is and 5 reasons why you should be doing it for your business!
What Is Blogging?
Blogging is when you write an article(s) about a certain topic and add it to a blog/website. Many individuals blog as a hobby and businesses use a blog as part of their digital marketing strategy. Articles can be of any length and for businesses the articles on their blog should be related to the industry that they operate in. The articles should be informative and of interest to your target audience/potential customers.
5 Reasons Why You Should Have A Blog For Your Business.
1. It will attract new customers to your business.
Traditional advertising is known as “push advertising” because you push your advertisement message on your potential customers, through radio, TV and print etc, in the hope that you will create enough awareness for them to contact your business to avail of your products or services.
Blogging is a form of pull advertising (aka inbound marketing) and as the name suggests when you write interesting industry related articles you can “pull” / attract quality leads to your website. The advantage of this is that potential customers are coming to you and you have an opportunity to capture their details and you can target them with newsletters, Google remarketing etc.
2. You can build your reputation as an industry leader / expert.
Writing regular blog posts with high quality industry related information will allow you to establish yourself and your business as thought leaders in your industry. Importantly small businesses can gain credibility and compete with larger competitors by establishing themselves as the go to website for relevant quality and helpful information and you can showcase your knowledge and expertise to potential new clients.
3. Increased brand awareness.
We all know the value of a brand and writing regular blog posts and attracting traffic to your business website gives you the opportunity to increase brand awareness amongst your existing and potentially new customers. A blog is an opportunity to build a brand personality and position your brand in the mind of your readers as a leader in your field.
4. Search Engine Optimisation (SEO).

Blogging is good for SEO
We are all trying to improve our website’s position in the search engine results pages (SERPS) of Google, Bing and duckduckgo.com etc and one way to do that is by providing the search engines with industry related quality content on a regular basis, ie a blog! Search engines are addicted to fresh content and when you blog on a regular basis about industry related topics, they will index each blog post thus increasing the opportunities for new customers to find your business through the search engines.
SEO is the one of the most important benefits of blogging on a regular basis.
5. Link building & social sharing.
When you blog on a regular basis you increase the likelihood that visitors to your business website will share your blog post on social media with their friends or work colleagues and they may also add a link to your blog from their own website. Overall link building and social sharing are extremely important for SEO and they increase brand awareness and add credibility to you as a thought leader in your industry.
I hope that I have motivated you to start a blog for your business. There are real benefits to it and I promise that once you start it will definitely add value to your business. Next week I will be writing a blog post about how to structure a blog and how to optimise it for search engines, make sure you subscribe to follow our blog to receive updates of when we publish new articles.
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